April 26, 2012

South America - Crossing the Strait of Magellan

Leaving Ushuaia is no easy, mentally and physically.  Physically, I aimed for the bus. The reason is simple - the Strait of Magellan and the Comerson Dolphin.  The bus leaves at 6.30am.  I woke up at 3am, got in very early at 4.30am to the bus station. A bit too early because it was like deserted, nobody there and really really cold! There weren't many using the bus to leave Ushuaia as the bus ride is very long.  Mine, is 16 hours to El Calafate. 

It was good to leave Ushuaia in such a way, quietly in the darkness, so that I would not feel too difficult as I could not see anything around.  I was tired.  The bus came, there were only 2 passengers, me and another lady. I fall asleep right away.  When I woke up, the sun start raising when I peeped through the curtain. It seem to be a bonito morning.
Tierra del Fuego sunrise, Apr 2010.
This tip of our earth, is interestingly shared by Chile and Argentina.  Geographically, Ushuaia faces south on Tierra del Fuego, which makes up by multiple islands but mainly  by Isla Grande Tierra del Fuego.  Leaving Ushuaia and Tierra del Fuego mean the bus goes around to the back of Martial Glacier and headed north,  crossing the Strait of Magellan into the mainland continent. We were still at Isla Tierra del Fuego. It is my 1st crossing to Chile and through the Magallanes.  It is also feel like the real journey start here, as I have been flying and flying never justify things that we want to see in this land.

As the morning passed, yet, this is still Patagonia.  We will not miss the cattle and sheep, while the steppa is a lot more low grown here.
Patagonia sheep herd in Tierra del Fuego, Apr 2010.
It was surprising to see the road condition is not bad, but Patagonia is flat y wide. It took the whole moring to overland the Isla Grande Tierra del Fuego and we reach the point of crossing around noon.
Crossing Point at Strait of Magellan, Apr 2010.
La Isla Tierra del Fuego, Apr 2010
al Estrecho de Magallanes, Apr 2010.
The 1st sign post is the northern end of Isla Tierra del Fuego within the Chilena border and the 2nd sign post is the transborder crossing of al Estrecho de Magallanes (Strait of Magellan) with the main continent.
Ferry Austral Broom for Magellan Strait crossing, Apr 2010.
The waiting was not long. The bus had timed the ride and the ferry came within a short while.  I was told the Strait of Magellan is where the Comerson Dolphin actively flipping.  However, I didn't catch any. The water was as calm as it wanted me to leave my 28 years old dream behind.

1 comment:

  1. great photos, Fui! Travelling overland, you see a lot more than flying. Sadly, I don't think I will be back to Tierra del Fuego, unless I can afford the cruise to Antartica ;). But for my next trip to S. America, I am going to use overland travel more and only fly when I need to.
